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-The various forms stormbirds present in the wild.-


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Hair ornamentation is very common and popular.


Some chose to braid their plumes. The styles vary from casual and loose to tightly woven and intricate.


Some have more fuzz, downy or simple plumage on their faces than others. It can also appear in patches on the face.


Long feathers and plumes make up their face. Refer to bird hackles or quills for reference.

They decorate and style it in many ways. The longer the hair the more peaceful or friendly they seem in their culture. As long as a portion remains uncut they will maintain this attribute.


In war or general hateful acts between groups are announced by cutting the hair and sending it to their enemy.

However, the act of cutting the hair can also be an act of denouncing a way of life. Such as a criminal going clean.


Forcibly cutting another's hair off is an act of great hate and humiliation. Rarely seen outside of wars.




Faces tend to be catlike in nature, ranging from fully feline to humanoid.


Other animal influences can be seen in faces as well.


The ability to shift their face results in many variations whether they were born with it or simply chose to have such a face.


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Ear Types

*Not always visible


These are common ear types but any sort of ear can appear.




Attached to the tips of the ears or somewhere on the scalp. They move freely

Works like a normal feeler or antenna

Can take on a variety of appearances

Can be small or long. Larger ones are less common but still possible

Multiple antennas are less common

Typically styled like bird plumes, with the tips having a feather plume accent.

Works as a sensory organ capable of picking up touch, air currents/changes, heat, vibrations, some taste, and especially smells or hormones.


Aside from giving them a keen idea of their surroundings they also help them keep track of their position while in flight. The presence of other stormbirds, and scent markings and territories.

Ironically enough some will tune out this sensory information in order to keep focused often leading to some being quite oblivious.




  • Alphas have thick scrutes or partially stone plates that naturally grow on them for protection.

  • The appearances of these growths are highly varied.

  • Most alphas are stocky and barrel-chested regardless of gender presentation.

  • Alphas will typically grow an extra two to three feet larger than standard stormbird sizes, usually rounding out around eight to ten feet tall.

  • Forearms and legs are stockier to better handle their weight. Aside from looking thicker, these limbs are more powerful than standard and usually have rather thick and tough talons.

-additional information-

  • An alpha storm call is incredibly loud, capable of leaving vibrations in the air like a real storm cloud.

  • Most stormbirds will instinctively go to an alpha for comfort due to their historical roles as protectors.

  • While alphas are larger and have the title of “alpha” they are not naturally higher than others within their societies.

  • Built to be the fighters and protectors of any group they are affiliated with they have more of an urge to defend than lead, sometimes even ending at the bottom of their social hierarchy.

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