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-the internal functions of stormbirds.-




-Internal Anatomy-

Stormbird muscleclature and skeletal structure are fairly normal for most vertebrates until you reach the torso and overall body cavity.

The chest is scant of organs, mainly composed of their avian respiratory system accompanied by an additional filter and their core alongside the trachea and esophagus.



instead of a heart or a brain stormbirds have a brittle combination of the two. It works much like a computer storing eons of information within.

-Digestive system-

barely any waste, lacking any real intestines stormbirds break down their food into its base components within their stomach where it is then churned into their internal stuffing.



the equivalent of fat stores for Stormbirds said to have the texture of fluffy slime or foam. arteries will snake through and absorb nutrients or where it can be augmented into new body parts or organs at a whim.



muscles tend to have a metallic sheen and are richer in minerals than most biological muscles. Slightly conductive even when drained of blood, making them easy to hook up to prosthetics.


blood and regen.png


  • Can be composed of most colors that are bright


  • dark colors are signifiers of genetic illness or defects, they can simply be a mutation as well.


  • Blood makeup is a form of purified energy generated by their core. Excess energy in the blood can be expelled in a form of magic, spilled blood has restorative/healing/stimulating properties with whatever absorbs it. This property can be done simply from an extended presence for some, leading to many taking up agricultural professions.


  • Oddly sweet flavor akin to nectar or sugar water with a tinge of electricity.




  • A byproduct of their blood stormbirds have natural glowing patterns on their skin and within their feathers. It is a manually triggered reaction akin to a firefly


Bio-luminescence has many uses.

  • It allows them to blend into their home-world environment which is rich with bio fluorescence and bio-luminescence letting them appear unnoticed by prey in darker environments.

Be used as a mating display, as well as signify when an stormbird is at a point in their biological cycle, such as coming of age and occasionally during molts and other biological shifts.

It can also be used as decoration and can even be extracted to be used as ink.


  • Stormbird bones also can be seen through their skin under black lights or after extended periods of bio-luminescence.




  • Mouth glow evident in darker areas (see bioluminescence)

  • Hollow geode-like space used to adjust pressure.

  • Filled with a wet mesh that allows air pressure to be measured and accounted for, also doubling as a sort of barometer.

  • Stormbirds have stone teeth that have seven main variants.

  • Sapphire, Chrysoberyl, Corundum, Diorite, Granite, Feldspar, Topaz

  • These stones are marbled with the same mineral deposits put into their bones.

  • Jacobson's organ is located on the roof of the mouth.

  • Retracted beak.

  • When the beak is retracted it gives the impression of a large gap when the mouth is open.

  • Blood Flow inside of the teeth gives them a mild glow.

  • The tip is rougher for a bit of grip.

  • Long tongues. Neck muscles will flex when extended fully.

  • Capable of opening their mouth to a wider angle than a human.

  • Jaw strength is powerful enough to crack bone. Useful for eating large prey or disabling attackers.



Unflared variant.



With such a varied diet stormbirds have strong and sharp teeth and secondary mandibles.

Beaks are prime for grooming and tearing off pieces of flesh or plants.

Sharp canines and bicuspids aid in digging into and dispatching prey

pointy durable molars to break through gristle and bone.


And of course, mandibles and a strong tongue for carrying or swallowing prey. Perfect for keeping a grip while in the air.


Mandibles may have visible seams or be merged with the facial skin.


Jaws extend further back into the mouth than it appears.


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Uv light notes:

Artimesians can see in the normal human range as well as UV light

Uv light eyes are tetrachromatic (4cones).


pupils are slitted: less UV light perceived, looks close to human color range


Pupils round/wide/large/dilated: able to pick out things in UV light clearly


Things under uv light can:

Absorb light (appear darker)

Reflect light (appear brighter/glow)

Be neutral to light(appear lighter)

Or alter the original color

Noticeable things that appear in UV light:

Biological stains: saliva, semen, urine, and blood


Many things in nature, such as pollen and insects’ eyes, will glow in different colors when hit with UV light


Veins (UV light, surrounding areas usually somewhat UV dark)

Plant veins also very visible - chlorophyll appears reddish

White reflects most light including UV light making it glow

Invisible patterns, ie: Blaschko lines, flower landing patterns, scars(UV darker) sunscreen or other UV absorbing material, various detergents, stains of body fluid


Uv light stand-ins (colors for the invisible)

Blue, green, yellow, orange, red, purple, indigo



Artistic representation of smells/ olfactory sense of an stormbird


General environment view, normal colors in B&W for ease of viewing


Visuals are of: turbulence, scent, body fluids(blood), and pollen



Human with perfume

Stronger body smells show up in slightly off colors, unnatural added smells appear in other colors

Strong scents are highlighted with lighter colors within in it

Strong scents can override others, such as flower nectar or blood

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