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-The various forms stormbirds present in the wild.-







“The disease of pain”

Type 1

Painful and a violent reaction. The stone spikes will grow rapidly and pierce the skin often. Overall being a detriment to life. It can be treated but overall is a chronic illness.

Type 2

Manageable variant. Stone patterns will grow in predictable patterns and can be managed with grinding and trimmings, can even be carved and decorated. It is not common but is less feared and more tolerated.





Transmitted through fluid transmission.


This disease causes the infected’s shifting ability to become amplified but largely uncontrolled. In peaks of tension and unconsciousness, the body will begin to shift and mutate into a defense and monstrous form. With excess organs and protrusions. They are put into a feral mental state and often roam absentmindedly lashing out at any perceived threats. Some have managed to achieve consistent lucidity when in this state however and will often either take the chance to calm down or simply wander and partake in hobbies in this state.

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